Sunday, March 17, 2013

My First What I Wanna Do Post

Do these type of post have a name? Anyways, lets talk about the bedroom. I'm ALWAYS wanting to redo something in my bedroom and from the picture you will see, you will realize why. After taking the picture I realized I haven't done anything to this side of the room. I actually haven't done anything to any part of the room... that was at least permanent. So without further ado......

Here it is. In all of it's plain and uglyness. LOL I know you were thinking that in your head. Don't deny it and try to make me feel better. I love dark wood furniture and eerily dislike strawberry oak and tan oak. But if I found a way to work with that color wood it wouldn't be too bad. haha But for now I like what I have. Now my comforter is actually the same print as the pillow cases. But I tossed in the wash and made my bed with the blanket I currently use. So after lowering my head of disappointment on why I haven't done anything to this room, I opened up photoshop and went down to typing what I want and where.

 OKAY. So it's not much that I want but a little goes along way right? It's a medium sized room so honestly I CAN'T do much. Especially since the room and bed don't cooperate with their sizes. I have one large window in the room that has bench seating which I dream of one day making completely adorable with pillows and such! BUT for now I have to keep you from looking at that area. So on the right side of the bed there is not enough space to actually put a second side table. The door opens 5 inches away from the bed so that wouldn't work out. I'd probably just hang a wall sculpture of a dog or something on that wall but searching Google it didn't get me anything worth putting there if I wasn't actually gonna use something like it. So here's my semi ideas in photoshop.

So i'm loving the blue tones obviously. It will definitely be easy to find that kind of lampshade. Honestly I think it's from target too. SO EASY. You could be laughing as to why I don't want to change the WHOLE lamp. It's actually been in my closet for a while and I pulled it out today because I love having a lamp next to my bed but I agree with you... it was kind of ugly. But I'm talking more about the first lamp shade. I LOVE the lamp base. Only because I'm convinced Meredith Grey had the same one in her bedroom while living at her mom's house. I wouldn't mind spray painting it one day but I'm someone who if I find something vintage I might keep it that way. I was actually given that lamp from my mothers boyfriend. LOL He knew I needed light.I think he said it was his moms or something.  So I really hope I can one day get this down. AND that a little DOES go a long way.

Here is my view from the bed.

Curse taking pictures at night!! LOL Horrible lighting. And this was taken with an iphone. Here's a picture of my bookshelf closeup.

Ignore the water bottle. I didn't notice it until now. Honestly I'm never satisfied with how I decorate this. In need help of a superbookshelfnookthingorganizerhero. Send me someone???

And pleasure for your eyes.... HERE IS LILY.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Valentines Day Card

Last December I went on a whim and tried to create Christmas Cards with my dogs on them. Now for some reason I just didn't feel like making them myself so I used to create them and print them out for me.  They came out fine of course. But I appreciate that special feeling you get when creating something on your own. So my idea came to life!! I haven't passed out Valentine Day Cards in years. Do adults even pass out to friends and family?? I think people now a days pretty much only give to their significant other. And (sadly but happy) because I'm single I am making some for family and friends!

Here are the finished products!

Now I COULD NOT get Lily to pose by herself for the life of me! So this shot was the chosen one. Of course I made three different options, because I like to have options. I really wanted to put a scripture from the bible and 1 John 4:7 was a very pretty one. I might change the way I've made the last one just cause I wish the scripture was a bit bigger. Here is the original picture.
YES. I have no floor. LOL I knew that I was going to photoshop somehow anyway so I did not waste any time getting a sheet out and putting it up. Those lights in the back are from Target! Little string of hearts for $3.00 a piece! Too cute! I actually had to ask every couple of days till they could find some for me! I was so happy when I bought them. I did know what I would use them for and then I decided to use them for our picture. Looking at it now I should have hung one set.... but I'm to lazy to go through this all again.

Here are some extra shots that made a small cut or didn't at all.
 As you can see, Lucy is a MODEL.

Some of the shots were unusable because of how dark it was. Even though there was a giant window of light behind me. I must have used the wrong setting on the camera. Now Lily must hate pictures because she wouldn't pose for me. :( But here are some of her cute shots.

 Grabbing her treat she gets for posing.
 Posing real fast for mama with her treat.
 And then she runs for it. 

 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7
Happy Valentines Everyone!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I have a liking with photoshop.

Currently I'm working on my upstairs bathroom. And have been itching for some prints for my thrifted picture frames. I don't really know where I could buy some nice ones for cheap so for now I thought I'd stick in my art that I made.

I'm going with grays/blues for my color tone.

I drew these water drops as part of another print I had wanted but instead I just copied this piece of the work. And basically did some photoshop magic. In my opinion I think I could see this being sold in a store!

So that may be some to look out for later on when I have finished my bathroom!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Now I have this bookshelf/dresser/hutch thing, found by grandma who offered it to me, sitting in my room. Now it is completely adorable but to be honest it doesn't quite fit in my room. No really it doesn't fit. It makes my room feel crowded. But so does other furniture so maybe its something else... Anyway!! It's been a few months that I've had it "redone" (Check out what we did on my sisters blog) but I think it still needs a little bit more (knobs). Plus my decor isn't superb but it can do for now. Check it out!
So I wasn't keen on the color. It was too baby boy nursery for me than "Sky Blue" as the spray paint was called but it can do for now. And when I have my own place I can either work with the color or paint it again. I think it will look great in my future apartment living room!

Pictured here at the top of the shelf are some knick knacks and books. Most of those books I received for FREE(Score!) when I volunteered for San Antonio's Luminaria Festival. I knew I wanted to start a book collection so I took a whole box full home! And my vintage One Step Polaroid Camera! I found it at Goodwill for two dollars!  The metallic deer was found at Ross. 

 Middle Shelf. The good old Dog Bible. Delicious apple cinnamon candle burning throughout the day everyday. And in this picture you can see how me and my sister gave it a "vintage rust" look.
 And this little guy was also from Goodwill. $2.00? His paint job looks bad in the photo but he actually is a very clean white tricycle. Cute right? I plan to paint him another color soon but I'm not so sure.

And on the bottom shelf are some perfumes/body sprays.  Someday by Justin Bieber smells so good. I have been itching to find a glass perfume tray and found one at a local thrift vintage shop but 10 bucks is to much for me for that. So I'm still on my hunt.

I feel that there are too many books on this shelf but I'm still working on it. When I change it up I will keep you posted! xoxo Sam

This blog has an ironic name?!

I'm not a mommy who has to get up early mornings to rush the kids to school. I'm not a workaholic who every morning has to get up super early to prepare for the hard money making days. Nor am I someone who even gets up in the morning! (lol) So why Loud Mornings? Honestly.... I used a blogging name generator (Can't remember which one) and this name came up and I decided that it had a nice ring to it. :) But you know what... even though I don't wake up at say 8am my beautiful baby Lucy does! I know I said I wasn't a mommy but I'm a different kind of mommy...a "mommy" to a BASSET HOUND! And every morning (she sleeps in the bed with me since I don't have a man...) she has to force me to open the door for her to use the restroom. And the way she does that is by barking... LOUD. She will jump around the bed, give me a few kisses to wake up, and then begin to scratch the door. So that's what I would call a "loud morning".

So check my babydoll out. You will definitely see her quite often on this blog!<3

xoxo Sam

(Ps. Even if I had a man Lucy will still have first dibs on sleeping next to me!)