Saturday, February 2, 2013

Valentines Day Card

Last December I went on a whim and tried to create Christmas Cards with my dogs on them. Now for some reason I just didn't feel like making them myself so I used to create them and print them out for me.  They came out fine of course. But I appreciate that special feeling you get when creating something on your own. So my idea came to life!! I haven't passed out Valentine Day Cards in years. Do adults even pass out to friends and family?? I think people now a days pretty much only give to their significant other. And (sadly but happy) because I'm single I am making some for family and friends!

Here are the finished products!

Now I COULD NOT get Lily to pose by herself for the life of me! So this shot was the chosen one. Of course I made three different options, because I like to have options. I really wanted to put a scripture from the bible and 1 John 4:7 was a very pretty one. I might change the way I've made the last one just cause I wish the scripture was a bit bigger. Here is the original picture.
YES. I have no floor. LOL I knew that I was going to photoshop somehow anyway so I did not waste any time getting a sheet out and putting it up. Those lights in the back are from Target! Little string of hearts for $3.00 a piece! Too cute! I actually had to ask every couple of days till they could find some for me! I was so happy when I bought them. I did know what I would use them for and then I decided to use them for our picture. Looking at it now I should have hung one set.... but I'm to lazy to go through this all again.

Here are some extra shots that made a small cut or didn't at all.
 As you can see, Lucy is a MODEL.

Some of the shots were unusable because of how dark it was. Even though there was a giant window of light behind me. I must have used the wrong setting on the camera. Now Lily must hate pictures because she wouldn't pose for me. :( But here are some of her cute shots.

 Grabbing her treat she gets for posing.
 Posing real fast for mama with her treat.
 And then she runs for it. 

 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7
Happy Valentines Everyone!

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