Sunday, March 17, 2013

My First What I Wanna Do Post

Do these type of post have a name? Anyways, lets talk about the bedroom. I'm ALWAYS wanting to redo something in my bedroom and from the picture you will see, you will realize why. After taking the picture I realized I haven't done anything to this side of the room. I actually haven't done anything to any part of the room... that was at least permanent. So without further ado......

Here it is. In all of it's plain and uglyness. LOL I know you were thinking that in your head. Don't deny it and try to make me feel better. I love dark wood furniture and eerily dislike strawberry oak and tan oak. But if I found a way to work with that color wood it wouldn't be too bad. haha But for now I like what I have. Now my comforter is actually the same print as the pillow cases. But I tossed in the wash and made my bed with the blanket I currently use. So after lowering my head of disappointment on why I haven't done anything to this room, I opened up photoshop and went down to typing what I want and where.

 OKAY. So it's not much that I want but a little goes along way right? It's a medium sized room so honestly I CAN'T do much. Especially since the room and bed don't cooperate with their sizes. I have one large window in the room that has bench seating which I dream of one day making completely adorable with pillows and such! BUT for now I have to keep you from looking at that area. So on the right side of the bed there is not enough space to actually put a second side table. The door opens 5 inches away from the bed so that wouldn't work out. I'd probably just hang a wall sculpture of a dog or something on that wall but searching Google it didn't get me anything worth putting there if I wasn't actually gonna use something like it. So here's my semi ideas in photoshop.

So i'm loving the blue tones obviously. It will definitely be easy to find that kind of lampshade. Honestly I think it's from target too. SO EASY. You could be laughing as to why I don't want to change the WHOLE lamp. It's actually been in my closet for a while and I pulled it out today because I love having a lamp next to my bed but I agree with you... it was kind of ugly. But I'm talking more about the first lamp shade. I LOVE the lamp base. Only because I'm convinced Meredith Grey had the same one in her bedroom while living at her mom's house. I wouldn't mind spray painting it one day but I'm someone who if I find something vintage I might keep it that way. I was actually given that lamp from my mothers boyfriend. LOL He knew I needed light.I think he said it was his moms or something.  So I really hope I can one day get this down. AND that a little DOES go a long way.

Here is my view from the bed.

Curse taking pictures at night!! LOL Horrible lighting. And this was taken with an iphone. Here's a picture of my bookshelf closeup.

Ignore the water bottle. I didn't notice it until now. Honestly I'm never satisfied with how I decorate this. In need help of a superbookshelfnookthingorganizerhero. Send me someone???

And pleasure for your eyes.... HERE IS LILY.

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